Saturday, 10 November 2007

Shell's biofuel bets

Ethanol and biodiesel are two of the fuel options energy giant, Shell is looking at for the future and the firm is bringing some rigour to the investigation.

Shell claims to be the biggest biofuels distributor in the world, shifting around 3bn litres of bioethanol and other biofuels in 2005, equivalent to the total amount of gasoline consumed in the UK that year.

So where’s Shell making its bets? Conversations at yesterday’s press-only fuel open-day revolved around biofuels for sure, but the big thrust in the short term is into gas-to-liquids. This is a technology that can turn methane gas into diesel. Not as green as existing cracking processes, it uses more energy, but the fuel is distinctly cleaner, Shell says. The technology is not quite a cinch, but at 50 years old, (it was developed by the Germans during WW2) it is pretty well understood. Also diesel made this way can be a direct, drop in replacement for conventionally refined diesel. So there are no worries about compatibility. There is no need to develop new engines to accommodate them.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
I am working on Biodiesel Production Project in Lahore, Pakistan. Our
working is near to complete. We want to ensure the aupply chain
management. Please let me know that what is future prospectus from
Parco's point of view regarding biodiesel marketing. Our project will
produce 20,000 MTe of Biodiesel per year. The qaulity of diesel will
be as per standard ASTM D6751-07a.
If you want to refer the case to some more relative contact, please
advise me in this case.

Maqsood Ansari
Sr.Engineer Process

25 February 2008 at 16:23  

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